Black woman daisy gold leaf realistic oil painting

Private Art Lessons

Art lessons are meant to explore your areas of interest when it comes to your next painting project!  Whether you're picking up from where you left off or you're interested in exploring a new direction, a private lesson is the perfect way to help you grow your unique artist voice. Students may send images of their current painting via email prior to the lesson. During the lesson I will provide you with my feedback as you work on your painting. 

If you are a complete beginner and have never tried painting before, I highly recommend that you book an Art Mentoring session with me prior to your first art lesson. Please also keep in mind that you must be willing to purchase the necessary supplies before booking a private lesson with me. However, if you have dabbled in some painting and are ready to commit to exploring your style, we can move forward with a lesson. 

During a lesson students can expect the following:

  • A tailored plan on your area of interest that explores subject matter, style and technique
  • How to properly prep a canvas for a successful painting through the use of gesso and sanding
  • Guidance on the project that you're currently working on
  • Constructive feedback on composition, values, form, and lighting
  • Recommendation on certain brands of paint brushes, oil paint and other tools and supplies to invest in
  • How to pick and choose a strong reference photo

$75 for a 1 hour session